Versatile activity bag for paddle sports & the outdoors
Red Paddle Co’s general mantra seems to be that if a piece of gear is going to do one thing, it might as well do a few other things as well. So it is with this versatile waterproof kit bag. It can be a backpack, a duffel or a shoulder bag, and the padded straps mean you can handle quite beefy loads in comfort. It works well as a general kit bag for camping or other outdoor activities, but they've also added a couple of features specifically tailored for swimming and water sports – including a removable wipe-down changing mat and an external wet/dry pocket for soggy swimmies. It goes without saying that it's completely waterproof – with super-strong welded seams and waterproof zips – and as an added bonus, the fabric is eco-friendly recycled TPU. Should you happen to have a Red paddle board, it fits nicely under the cargo straps on their touring models. This 60-litre version is the mid-size one that's perfect for multi-day trips, but they also do a 40-litre day pack and a 90-litre monster.
- Welded seams and waterproof zips
- Spacious central compartment
- External wet/dry pocket
- Removable wipe-down changing mat
- Detachable straps can be configured as a backpack, shoulder bag or duffel
- Sustainably produced using eco-conscious recycled TPU
- Lightweight & flexible material
- Multiple storage pockets and external drinks bottle holder
- Ergonomically shaped & padded airflow straps
- Capacity: 60 L
- Dimensions: 60 x 33 x 29 cm
- Weight: 1.45 kg
- Eco Certified: Red Paddle Co is a certified B Corp, the highest distinction for companies committed to making environmental and social responsibility a core part of their business operations
- Manufactured Sustainably: Red’s board production facility is 100% waste free, while packaging is made from recyclable reclaimed paper or cardboard.
Red Paddle Co boards come with a five-year warranty as standard – and if you think that sounds generous, it's because virtually no-one needs to use it. Their paddleboards are so well built that they've literally driven a 22-tonne digger over one without breaking it, and warranty rates stand at a staggeringly low 0.5%.
The same goes for the rest of their gear too – from beautifully made waterproof backpacks with super-strong welding, to hybrid changing robe/parkas that'll take you from the beach to the high arctic and everywhere in-between. This stuff isn't cobbled together overseas by the lowest bidder – it's designed and purpose-built in Red's own Devon facility, drawing on more than 15 years of experience and an uncompromising attitude to quality.
We've had a good old nose around their Totnes HQ, and what we really love about Red is the way their kit is engineered to be portable and versatile for multi-activity adventures. Sure, you can just chuck their compact inflatable boards in the back of the car and have a splash about at the beach, but they’re so packable that you can also stick them in a backpack and pony them up to remote mountain lakes, or spend a day paddling downriver and get the train home. Your imagination really is the limit.
This is seriously well-engineered gear that's built to perform and to last, and we're right on board with that.